Introduction to Geospatial Technologies
NRES 218
Theory and applications of geospatial information technology (GIT) with emphasis on real-world applications to natural resources. Overview of GIT, focusing on introduction of remote sensing, the global positioning system (GPS), and geographic information systems (GIS). Introduction to data collection, spatial data representation, georeferencing, spatial data analysis, and remote sensing image analysis.
Recommended to have basic computer skills.
Introduction to Remote Sensing
NRES 418/818, GEOG 418/818
Remote sensing of the earth from aerial and satellite platforms. Aerial photography, multispectral scanning, thermal imaging, microwave remote sensing techniques. Data acquisition and image analysis. Physical foundations of remote sensing using electromagnetic energy and energy-matter interactions. Applications in geographic, agricultural, environmental and natural resources analyses.
Prerequisites: Junior Standing.
Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural Resources
NRES 420/820, PLAS 419, GEOG 419/819, GEOL 419/819, AGRO 819
Introduction to the practical uses of remote electromagnetic sensing in dealing with agricultural and water-resources issues.
GEOG 418/NRES 418 recommended.
Field Techniques in Remote Sensing
NRES 427/827, GEOG 427/827
Integrated lectures, lab exercises and field experience provide an understanding of GPS technology and applications. Students will learn to collect, correct and use GPS data in a geographic information system (GIS) environment.
Familiarity with mapping and GIS recommended.
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Global Change & Ecosystems
NRES 443/843
Examines global change from a biological perspective, focusing on global change impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Considers the scientific literature on biological aspects of global change, and explores the methods used for studying global change, and involves presentation of brief, comprehensible oral and written summaries of this literature. Social, and economic aspects will also be considered.
Background in ecology and NRES 418 recommended.
Prerequisites: Junior standing and above.
Special Topics in Natural Resources
NRES 898
Current issues in natural resource sciences.
Prerequisites: 6 hrs NRES or equivalent.