CALMIT welcomes collaboration with other university departments, federal and private agencies for the development of other potentially useful sensor packages and/or applications.
In recent years, CALMIT and its collaborators have:
- Developed a NASA-funded Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML).
- Established CALMIT as a NASA Regional Application Center; Established a NASA Affiliated Research Center (ARC) program for commercial applications of remote sensing.
- Received NASA K-12 education grants to establish the Consortium for the Application of Space Data to Education (CASDE) and America's Farm.
- Collaborated with SpecNet to add optical sampling in a long-standing flux tower footprint. A rich array of optical sensors have been mounted in the carbon sequestration plots at Mead, Nebraska. These include instruments for vegetation reflectance and fluorescence (SIF). Dr. E. Walter-Shea was a recipient of a SpecNet-Decagon award, and has mounted Decagon SRS sensors (for NDVI, PRI, and CCI) in the carbon sequestration plots. Concurrent airborne flights with imaging spectrometry and fluorometry (SIF) will enable evaluation of the efficacy of optical indices for assessing stress and primary productivity at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
- SpecNet's membership includes dozens of field sites from 18 countries representing a variety of ecosystems.
- Assisted in the establishment a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit for the Great Plains to be funded by a consortium of federal agencies.
- Co-authored a successful proposal for the NSF High Capacity Network [Internet-2] justified in large part on enhancing cooperative research in remote sensing and Earth System Sciences.
University of Nebraska
- Acquired funding from the Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI) to develop new methods for integrating geospatial data to build information and knowledge in agriculture.
- Installed a ground receiving station for direct, real-time reception of both AVHRR and SeaWiFS satellite imagery.
Successfully hosted several major conferences focusing on geoinformatics:
- International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) Symposium (2002)
- Nebraska GIS Symposium (2001)
- MidAmerica GIS Symposium (1998)
- International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (1996)
Provided numerous publications regarding advanced land management technologies.