Don Rundquist

Don Rundquist

School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
101 Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0973

Office: 402.472.3471 Fax: 402.472.2946




Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Gitelson, A., Y. Peng, D. Rundquist, A. Suyker, and S. Verma, 2015. Remote estimation of gross primary productivity in maize and soybean: from close range to satellites. Precision Agriculture ’15 (J.V. Stafford, Ed.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 183-190.
  2. Nguy-Robertson, A., Y. Peng, A. Gitelson, T. Arkebauer, A. Pimstein, I. Herrmann, A. Karnieli, D. Rundquist, D.. Bonfil, 2014. Estimating green LAI in four crops: potential of determining optimal spectral bands for a universal algorithm. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 192-193:140-148.
  3. Rundquist, D., A. Gitelson, B. Leavitt, A. Zygielbaum, R. Perk, and G. Keydan, 2014. Elements of an integrated phenotyping system for monitoring crop status a canopy level. Agronomy. 4:108-123.
  4. Stilwell, A., G. Hein, A. Zygielbaum, and D. Rundquist, 2013. Proximal sensing to detect symptoms associated with wheat curl mite-vectored viruses. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:14, 4951-4966.
  5. Schlemmer, M., A. Gitelson, J. Schepers, R. Ferguson, Y. Peng, J. Shanahan, and D. Rundquist, 2013. Remote estimation of nitrogen and chlorophyll contents in maize at leaf and canopy levels. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 25: 47-54.
  6. Swain, S., S. Narumalani, B. Wardlow, D. Rundquist, and M. Hayes, 2013. Relationships between vegetation indices and root zone soil moisture under maize and soybean canopies in the U.S. Corn Belt: a comparative study using a close-range remote sensing approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:8, 2814-2828.
  7. Nguy-Robertson, A., A. Gitelson, Y. Peng, A. Vina, T. Arkebauer, and D. Rundquist, 2012. Green leaf area index estimation in maize and soybean: combining vegetation indices to achieve maximal sensitivity. Agronomy Journal, 104:5, 1336-1347.
  8. Gitelson, A., Y. Peng, J. Masek, D. Rundquist, S. Verma, A. Suyker, J. Baker, J. Hatfield, and T. Meyers, 2012. Remote estimation of gross primary productivity with Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 121:404-414.
  9. Swain, S., D. Rundquist, T. Arkebauer, S. Narumalani, and B. Wardlow, 2012. Non-invasive estimation of relative water content in soybean leaves using infrared thermography. Israeli Journal of Plant Sciences, 60, 25-36.
  10. Moses, W., A. Gitelson, R. Perk, D. Gurlin, D. Rundquist, B. Leavitt, T. Barrow, and P. Brakhage, 2012. Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid productive waters using airborne hyperspectral data. Water Research, 46: 993-1004.
  11. Shiratsuchi, L., R. Ferguson, J. Shanahan, V. Adamchuk, D. Rundquist, D. Marx, and G. Slater, 2011. Water and nitrogen effects on active crop canopy sensor vegetation indices. Agronomy Journal, 103:1815-1826.
  12. Peng, Yi, A. Gitelson. G. Keydan, D.Rundquist, and W. Moses, 2011. Remote estimation of gross primary production in maize and support for a new paradigm based on total crop chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115: 978-989.
  13. Qin, J., D. Rundquist, A. Gitelson, M. Steele, C. Harkins, and R. Briles, 2010. A non-linear model for measuring grapevine leaf thickness by means of red-edge / near-infrared spectral reflectance. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30: 297-303.
  14. Swain, S., D. Rundquist, R. Perk, S. Narumalani, B. Leavitt, and T. Sarwar, 2010. On the relationship between leaf temperature and water stress in plants. Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs20x000x.
  15. Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2009. Non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in grapevine leaves. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 60:87-92.
  16. Rundquist, D., A. Gitelson, M. Lawson, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, R. Perk, J. Keck, D. Mishra, and S. Narumalani, 2009. Proximal sensing of coral features: spectral characterization of Sidastrea siderea. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 46:2, 139-160.
  17. Zygielbaum, A., A. Gitelson, T. Arkebauer, and D. Rundquist, 2009. Non-destructive detection of water stress and estimation of relative water content in maize. Geophysical Research Letters, 36,LI2403,doi:10.1029/2009GL038906,2009.
  18. Bhatti, A., D. Rundquist, J. Schalles, L. Ramirez, S. Nasu, and M. Takagi, 2009. A comparision between above-water surface and subsurface spectral reflectances collected over inland waters.&nbsp GeoCarto International, 24: 2, 133-141.
  19. Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2008. Non-destructive estimation of leaf chlorophyll content in grapes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 59:3, 299-305.
  20. Gitelson, A., G. Dall’Olmo, W. Moses, D. Rundquist, T. Barrow, T. Fisher, D. Gurlin, and J. Holz, 2008. A simple semi-analytical model for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in turbid waters: validation.
  21. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 3582-3593.
  22. Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2008. A comparison of two techniques for non-destructive measurement of chlorophyll content in grapevine leaves. Agronomy Journal, 100:3, 779-782.
  23. Mishra, D. R., S. Narumalani, D. Rundquist, M. Lawson, and R. Perk, 2007. Enhancing the detection and classification of coral reef and associated benthic habitats: A hyperspectral remote sensing approach, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C08014, doi:10.1029/2006JC003892.
  24. Lawson, M., B. Leavitt, D. Rundquist, N. Emanuel, R. Perk, J. Keck, and M. Hauschild, 2006. Compensating for irradiance fluxes when measuring the spectral reflectance of corals in-situ. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 43:2, 181-197.
  25. Mishra, D. R., S. Narumalani, R. Bahl, D. Rundquist, and M. Lawson, 2006. Predicting the percent live cover of corals: An in situ remote sensing approach, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L06603, doi:10.1029/2005GL025056.
  26. Gitelson, A. A., A. Viña, S. B. Verma, D. C. Rundquist, T. J. Arkebauer, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, V. Ciganda, G. G. Burba, and A. E. Suyker ,2006. Relationship between gross primary production and chlorophyll content in crops: Implications for the synoptic monitoring of vegetation productivity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D08S11, doi:10.1029/2005JD006017.
  27. Mishra, D., S. Narumalani, D. Rundquist, and M. Lawson, 2006. Benthic habitat mapping in tropical marine environments using Quickbird imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 72:9, 1037-1048.
  28. Mishra, D., S. Narumalani, D. Rundquist, and M. Lawson, 2005. Characterizing the vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance in coastal waters: implications for water penetration by high resolution satellite data. ISPRS Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 60(1):48-64.
  29. Gitelson, A.A., A. Vina, D.C. Rundquist, V. Ciganda, T.J. Arkebauer, 2005. Remote Estimation of Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Crops, Geophysical Research Letters, 32,L08403,doi:10.1029/2005GL022688
  30. Dall’Olmo, G., A. Gitelson, D. Rundquist, B. Leavitt, T. Barrow, and J. Holz, 2005. Estimation of chlorophyll concentration in case-2 productive waters using existing ocean color sensors: calibration, validation, and radiometric considerations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 96:176-187
  31. Mishra, D., S. Narumalani, D. Rundquist, and M. Lawson, 2005. High resolution ocean color remote sensing of benthic habitats: a case study at Roatan Island, Honduras. IEEE Transactions in Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(7):1592-1604.
  32. Mishra, D., S. Narumalani, M. Lawson, and D. Rundquist, 2004. Bathymetric mapping using IKONOS multispectral data. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 41 (4): 301-321.
  33. Vina, A., A. Gitelson, D. Rundquist, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, and J. Schepers, 2004. Monitoring maize (Zea maize L.) phenology with remote sensing. Agronomy Journal, 96: 1139-1147.
  34. Rundquist, D., R. Perk, B. Leavitt, G. Keydan, and A. Gitelson, 2004. Collecting spectral data over cropland vegetation using machine positioning versus hand-held positioning of the sensor. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 43, 173-178.
  35. Vina, A., F. Echavarria, and D. Rundquist, 2004. Satellite change detection analysis of deforestation rates and patterns along the Colombia-Ecuador border. Ambio, 33(3):118-125.
  36. Dall’Olmo, G., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2003. Toward a unified approach for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(18): 1938-1941
  37. Streck, N., D. Rundquist, and J. Connot, 2003. Spectral signatures of selected soils. Brazilian Journal of Agrometeorology, 11:1, 181-184.
  38. Gitelson, A., A. Vina, T. Arkebauer, D. Rundquist, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, and S. Verma, 2003. Remote estimation of leaf area index and green leaf biomass in maize canopies. Geophysical Research Letters, 30:5, 1248-1251.
  39. Gitelson, A., S. Verma, A. Vina, D. Rundquist, G. Keydan, and T. Arkebauer, 2003. Technique for remote estimation of canopy CO2 fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters, 30:9, 1486-1489.
  40. Han, L. and D. Rundquist, 2003. The spectral responses of Ceratophyllum demersum at varying depths in an experimental tank. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24:4, 859-864.
  41. Maeder, J., S. Narumalani, J. Schalles, D. Rundquist, R. Perk, K. Hutchins, and J. Keck, 2002. Classification and mapping of general coral-reef distribution using IKONOS data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68:12, 1297-1305.
  42. Gitelson, A., R. Stark, U. Grits, D. Rundquist, Y. Kaufman, and D. Derry, 2002. Vegetation and soil lines in visible spectral space: a concept and technique for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23:13, 2537-2562.
  43. Streck, N., D. Rundquist, and J. Connot, 2002. Estimating residual wheat dry matter from remote sensing measurements. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68:11, 1193-1201.
  44. Gitelson, A., Y. Kaufman, R. Stark, and D. Rundquist, 2002. Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80:76-87.
  45. Schalles, J., D. Rundquist, and F. Schiebe, 2001. The influence of suspended clays on
  46. phytoplankton reflectance signatures and the remote estimation of chlorophyll. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27:3619-3625.
  47. Rundquist, D., S. Narumalani, and R. Narayanan, 2001. A review of wetlands remote sensing and defining new considerations. Remote Sensing Reviews, 20:3, 207-226
  48. Lodhi, M. and D. Rundquist, 2001. A spectral analysis of bottom-induced variation in the colour of Sand Hills lakes, USA. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22:9, 1665-1682.
  49. Rundquist, D., 2001. Field techniques in remote sensing: learning by doing. GeoCartoInternational, 16:1, 83-88
  50. Ullah, A., D. Rundquist, and D. Derry, 2000. Characterizing spectral signatures for three selected emergent macrophytes: a controlled experiment. GeoCarto International, 15:4, 29-39
  51. Peters, A. and D. Rundquist, 2000. The NASA affiliated research center program. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66:11, 1286-1287.
  52. Gosselin, D., D. Rundquist, and S. McFeeters, 2000. Remote monitoring of selected groundwater dominated lakes in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 36:5, 1039-1051
  53. Stark, R., A. Gitelson, U. Grits, D. Rundquist, and Y. Kaufman, 2000. New technique for remote estimation of vegetation fraction: principles, algorithms, and validation. Aspects of Applied Biology, 60: 241-246
  54. Tolk, B., L. Han, and D. Rundquist, 2000. The impact of bottom brightness on spectral reflectance of suspended sediments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21:11, 2259-2268
  55. Gitelson, A., Y. Yacobi, J. Schalles, D. Rundquist, L. Han, R. Stark, and D. Etzion, 2000. Remote estimation of phytoplankton density in productive waters. Archives of Hydrobiology: Advances in Limnology, 55, 121-136
  56. Gitelson, A., J. Schalles, D. Rundquist, F. Schiebe, and Y. Yacobi, 1999. Comparative reflectance properties of algal cultures with manipulated densities. Journal of Applied Phycology, 11: 345-354
  57. Li, R., D. Rundquist, and L. Di, 1998. An expert system approach for hydrogeological modelling using a geographic information system. International Journal of Computers and their Applications, 5:3, 165-171
  58. Lodhi, M., D. Rundquist, L. Han, and M. Kuzila, 1998. Estimation of suspended sediment concentration in water using integrated surface reflectance. GeoCarto International, 13:2, 11-15
  59. Szilagyi, J., D. Rundquist, D. Gosselin, and M. Parlange, 1998. NDVI relationship to monthly evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters, 25:10, 1753-1756
  60. Han, L. and D. Rundquist, 1998. The impact of a wind-roughened water surface on remote measurements of turbidity. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19:1,195-201
  61. Han, L. and D. Rundquist, 1997. Comparison of NIR/RED ratio and first derivative of reflectance in estimating algal-chlorophyll concentration: a case study in a turbid reservoir. Remote Sensing of Environment, 62:253-261
  62. Lodhi, M., D. Rundquist, L. Han, and M. Kuzila, 1997. The potential for detecting loess soils suspended in surface waters using remote sensing. Water Resources Bulletin, 33:1, 111-117
  63. Goodin, D, J. Harrington, Jr., M. Nellis, and D. Rundquist, 1996. Mapping reservoir turbidity patterns using SPOT-HRV data. GeoCarto International, 11:4, 71-78
  64. Han, L. and D. Rundquist, 1996. Spectral characterization of suspended sediments generated from two texture classes of clay soil. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17:3, 643-649
  65. Rundquist, D., L. Han, J. Schalles, and J. Peake, 1996. Remote measurement of algal chlorophyll in surface waters: the case for the first derivative of reflectance near 690 nm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 62:2, 195-200
  66. Rundquist, D., J. Schalles, and J. Peake, 1995. The response of volume reflectance to manipulated chlorophyll concentrations above bright and dark bottoms at various depths in experimental tanks. GeoCarto International, 10:4, 5-14
  67. Han, L., D. Rundquist, L. Liu, R. Fraser, and J. Schalles, 1994. The spectral responses of algal chlorophyll in water with varying levels of suspended sediment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15:18, 3707-3718
  68. Han, L., and D. Rundquist, 1994. The response of both surface reflectance and the underwater light field to various levels of suspended sediments: preliminary results. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60:12, 1463-1471
  69. Di, L., D. Rundquist, and L. Han, 1994. Modelling relationships between NDVI and precipitation during vegetative growth cycles. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15:10, 2121-2136
  70. Narayanan, R., R. Pardipuram, and D. Rundquist, 1994. Statistical characteristics of simulated radar imagery from bare soil surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32:1, 159-168
  71. Narayanan, R., D. Doerr, and D. Rundquist, 1994. Power spectrum of wind-influenced vegetation backscatter at x-band. IEEE Transactions on Radar and Sonar Navigation, 141:2, 125-131
  72. Di, L., and D. Rundquist, 1994. A one-step algorithm for correction and calibration of AVHRR level 1B data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60: 2, 165-171
  73. Goodin, D., L. Han, R. Fraser, D. Rundquist, and W. Stebbins, 1993. Analysis of suspended solids in water using remotely sensed high resolution derivative spectra. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 59:4, 505-510
  74. Narayanan, R., D. Doerr, and D. Rundquist, 1992. Temporal decorrelation characteristics of x-band microwave backscatter from wind-influenced vegetation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, 28:2, 404-412
  75. Peters, A., B. Reed, and D. Rundquist, 1992. A technique for processing NOAA-AVHRR data into a geographically referenced image-map. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 58:5, 569-571
  76. Peters, A., D. Rundquist, and D. Wilhite, 1991. Satellite detection of the geographic core of the 1988 Nebraska drought." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 57, 35-47
  77. Kuzila, M., D. Rundquist, and J. Green, 1991. Some methods for estimating wetland loss: the Rainbasin Region of Nebraska, 1927-1981. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 46: 6, 441-446
  78. Rundquist, D., D. Rodekohr, A. Peters, R. Ehrman, L. Di, and G. Murray, 1991. Statewide groundwater-vulnerability assessment in Nebraska using the DRASTIC/GIS model. GeoCarto International, 6:2, 51-58
  79. Di, L. and D. Rundquist, 1991. A classification-based method for color-composite image generation. GeoCarto International, 6:2, 23-30
  80. Di, L. and D. Rundquist, 1991. Instantaneous three- channel image processing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 57:3, 305-311
  81. Rundquist, D. and L. Di, 1989. Band-moment analysis of imaging-spectrometer data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 55:2, 203-208
  82. Rundquist, D., R. Hoffman, M. Carlson, and A. Cook, 1989. The Nebraska center-pivot inventory: an example of operational remote sensing on a long-term basis. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 55:5, 587-590
  83. Di, L. and D. Rundquist, 1988. Color-composite image generation on an eight-bit graphics workstation. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 54:12, 1745-1748
  84. Rundquist, D. and S. Samson, 1988. A Guide to the Practical Use of Aerial Color-Infrared Photography in Agriculture. Educational Circular #7, Conservation and Survey Division, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 27 pp
  85. Rundquist, D., M. Lawson, L. Queen, and R. Cerveny, 1987. The relationship between summer-season rainfall events and lake-surface area. Water Resources Bulletin, 23:3, 493-508
  86. Fussell, J., D. Rundquist, and J. Harrington, Jr., 1986. On defining remote sensing. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 52:9, 1507-1511
  87. Fussell, J., D. Rundquist, and J. Harrington, Jr, 1987. On defining remote sensing: a response." Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 53:8, 1096
  88. Rundquist, D., G. Murray, and L. Queen, 1985. Airborne thermal mapping of a flow-through lake in the Nebraska Sandhills. Water Resources Bulletin, 21: 6, 989-994
  89. Lawson, M., R. Balling, D. Rundquist, and A. Peters, 1981. Spatial analysis of secular temperature fluctuations. Journal of Climatology, 1, 325-332
  90. Rundquist, D, 1981. The Platte valley. Journal of Geography, 80:4, 150-151.
  91. Rundquist, D. and S. Samson, 1980. A Landsat digital examination of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal. Remote Sensing Quarterly, 2:1, 4-15
  92. Rundquist, D. and S. Robinson, 1980. A simple photographic technique for change detection on Landsat images. Journal of Geography, 79:7, 271-272
  93. Bussom, D. and D. Rundquist, 1978. An example of one user algorithm for analysis of unrectified Landsat digital imagery. Remote Sensing of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum, 5:2, 29-39