COHYST 1997 Land Use/Land Cover Metadata

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 200010
Title: Delineation of 1997 Land Use Patterns for the Cooperative Hydrology Study in the Central Platte River Basin
Publication Information:
Publisher: CALMIT
The raster land use/land cover data is a digital product of a supervised classification derived from multi-date 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery. Field data for crops were obtained using Farm Service Agency (FSA) records from 1997. The National Wetland Inventory was used in assisting the wetland classification. Urban areas were defined using 1990 TIGER data, and other information were gathered using 1993 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQ's). Irrigation information was obtained from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, Public Power Districts, and Natural Resource Districts. Center pivots were on-screen digitized using the 1997 Landsat TM data. All irrigation data were checked for accuracy by Nebraska Natural Resource Districts. The cell size for the data is 28.5 meters and there are 26 different land use/land cover classes. This product is in ERDAS Imagine format.
The land use/land cover data can be used as a digital layer in various studies. It is useful as a background layer in a GIS, and can also be merged with other digital data (ie DEM's or DOQ's) to produce a hybrid digital file.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time: 200010
Currentness Reference: Publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: None
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -104.162
East Bounding Coordinate:  -97.318
North Bounding Coordinate:  42.518
South Bounding Coordinate:  40.002
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: Land cover
Theme Keyword: Land use
Theme Keyword: Nebraska
Theme Keyword: Central Platte River Basin
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: None
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary: CALMIT
Contact Address:
Address: University of Nebraska, 113 Nebraska Hall
City: Lincoln
State or Province: NE
Postal Code: 68588
Country: USA

Data Quality Information:
Process Step:
Process Description:
Multidate Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery was used to generate land use/land cover maps for 1997. Cloud coverage dictated date selection to the greatest extent, although imagery was chosen to represent spring, summer, and fall growing conditions. Landsat TM channels 1 and 6 were subset from the imagery and all three dates were stacked into one 15-band file . Before the supervised classification was run, clouded and urban areas areas were removed from the imagery. Urban areas were defined using 1990 TIGER data. Clouded areas were classified in a second stage, using an unsupervised classification with the remaining unclouded dates. Field data for crops were obtained using Farm Service Agency (FSA) records from 1997. Spectral signatures for cropland were collected by identifying homogeneous areas defined on FSA reporting records. The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) was used to locate wetland areas to collect spectral signatures. Signatures were collected from wetlands greater than 3X3 pixels or 90X90 meters square in size. 1993 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles were used to locate signature areas for riparian or forested areas, roads, and non-ag. features. Multiple spectral signatures for each class were extracted and evaluated for continuity. Unrepresentative signatures were deleted. The remaining signatures were then merged by class and a maximum likelihood supervised classification was run on the 15-band imagery. After the classification algorithm was run, classes were evaluated for accuracy. A 'cluster busting' technique was applied to compensate for mixed classes. Irrigation information was obtained from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, Public Power Districts, and Natural Resource Districts. Center pivots were on-screen digitized using the 1997 Landsat TM data. All irrigation data were checked for accuracy by Nebraska Natural Resource Districts using 1997 FSA reporting records. The cell size for the data is 28.5 meters (93.48 feet) and there are 26 different land use/land cover classes.

Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Map Projection: State Plane FIPS zone 2600
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: NAD 83
Ellipsoid Name: GRS 1980

Entity and Attribute Information:
Each raster entity or pixel contains a value and the associated land use/land cover classes are defined.
Land Use/ Land Cover Classes
1 Irrigated Corn
2 Irrigated Sugar Beets
3 Irrigated Soybeans
4 Irrigated Sorghum (Milo, Sudan)
5 Irrigated Dry Edible Beans
6 Irrigated Potatoes
7 Irrigated Alfalfa
8 Irrigated Small Grains
9 Range/Pasture/Grass (Brome, Hay, CRP)
10 Urban Land
11 Open Water
12 Riparian Forest and Woodlands
13 Wetlands
14 Other Agricultural Lands (Farmsteads, Feedlots, etc.)
15 Irrigated Sunflower
16 Summer Fallow
17 Roads
18 Dryland Corn
19 Dryland Soybeans
20 Dryland Sorghum
21 Dryland Dry Edible Beans
22 Dryland Alfalfa
23 Dryland Small Grains
24 Dryland Sunflower
25 Dryland Sugar Beets
26 Dryland Potatoes

Overview Description:
Entity and Attribute Overview: NA
Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: NA

Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 200010