SIF Conference Posters

Science and Application of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Conference


Posters presented

New tools to collect and share time-synchronized hourly CO2 flux data: Coupling flux towers and networks with proximal and remote sensing data (pdf) -- George Burba* 1,2, Tom Avenson1,3, Andreas Burkart4,5, John Gamon2,6, Kaiyu Guan7, Tommaso Julitta8,5, Gilberto Pastorello9, Karolina Sakowska10,11  (1LICOR Biosciences, Lincoln, USA; 2Universityof Nebraska, Lincoln, USA; 3MichiganState University, Lansing, USA; 4Instituteof Bio and Geosciences, Jülich, Germany; 5JBHyperspectral Devices UG, Düsseldorf, Germany; 6Universityof Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 7Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA; 8Universityof Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy; 9AmeriFlux,-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA; 10Departmentof Sustainable Crop Production and Spatial Analysis and Remote Sensing Research Center, Università Cattolicadel SacroCuore, Piacenza, Italy; 11Sustainable AgroEcosystems and Bioresources Department, Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach, S. Michele all’Adige, Italy) *Corresponding author: George Burba

Integrated airborne and field studies of productivity in UNL’s carbon sequestration plots (pdf) -- Ryan Moore*1, Tim Arkebauer1, Trenton Franz1, Hamed Gholizadeh1, Gabriel Hmimina1, Bryan Leavitt1, Gunnar Malek-­Madani1, Rick Perk1, Dave Scoby1, Andy Suyker1, Elizabeth Walter-Shea1, Brian Wardlow1, Rong Yu1, Art Zygielbaum1, John Gamon1,2  (1School of Natural Resources and Department of Agronomy and HorAculture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA; 2Universityof Alberta, Edmonton, Canada;) *Corresponding author: Ryan Moore

Diurnal and seasonal dynamics in photosynthetic function and dhlorophyll fluorescence at leaf and canopy level (pdf) -- Petya Campbell*1, 2, Elizabeth Middleton2, K. Fred Huemmrich1,2, Lawrence Corp2, Qunhuei Zhang2 , David Landis2, Andrew Russ3, Craig Daughtry3, Phil Townsend4, Patrice Cappelaere2 and Daniel Mandl2 (1University of Maryland at Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, USA; 2NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA; 3USDA/Agricultural Research Service, Greenbelt, MD, USA; 4University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA) *Corresponding author: Petya Campbell